Monday, September 29, 2014

Friends Don't Kiss And Tell

Sudah satu harian ini hujan terus menerus turun membasahi kota yang sudah enam tahun gue tinggali. Semua kenangan manis dan pahit seolah-olah datang tanpa gue sadari.

Begitu manisnya sampai-sampai terasa sangat sakit untuk dikenangnya.
Duduk manis sembari menikmati kopi hitam panas buatan Mbak Marni seakan menambah suasana sentimental yang ada. Gue merasakan hal yang berbeda ketika salah satu kenangan masa kuliah dulu masuk kedalam otak dan membuat gue bersemangat lagi untuk menulis.

Ya, gue pindah dari alamat blog lama yang sudah beberapa tahun belakangan ini gue jadiin tempat nulis. Rasanya berat. Telalu banyak kenangan manis dalam blog itu. Tapi gue bersemangat untuk buat lebih banyak kenangan-kenangan manis dalam alamat blog baru gue ini.

Gue putus sama Arlan.
Kayanya gue emang gak jodoh sama westerner deh. Banyak banget perjuangan yang gue yakin itu akan sia-sia karena dari adatnya aja sudah berbeda. Walaupun gue besar di Negri Paman Sam tapi gue masih punya norma adat ketimuran yang sangat kental. I do not absorb everything from them. I filtered it and try to apply it into eastern way.

Over the years, people are always talking about gossips.
And over a bottle of wine, it goes slowly but sure all the gossips are about to revealed.
Yesterday I had so much fun with my Indos friends. It was such a beautiful quality time. We may not able to talk every day nor see one of each other but when it comes to gathering, trust me, its worth every second.
One of my friend is now pregnant with some wealthy Caucasian expatriate whose staying up on some pent house in the golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur, another friend came with his new gay partner which is so talented in fashion industry, some friend just broke up with her boyfriend whose still studying his master in London and one of my very best friend came with the news that she is finally a lesbian.

What a news right ? I know. Gue pun sampe bengong ngedengerin mereka cerita ini itu. I don't care about their condition or about background. All I know is I love them as much as I love my family. I know I don't talk about them as much I talk about my love life, but seeing them happy yesterday makes me want to write something about friendship.

Gue sebenernya gak terlalu susah untuk dapetin temen. Gue anaknya supel dan gak neko-neko. Gue gak milih-milih temen. Dan gue percaya kalau pertemanan itu adalah sebuah hukum rimba. Siapa yang kalah dia yang keluar. Sounds silly right ? But I have to admit the cliche, kalau lu bisa menangin hati orang, lu bakalan bisa berteman dengan apa adanya. Tapi kalau lu malah kalahin hati orang, just don't bother to sit with them or even breath in the same location, it would be really painful.

I still could remember when all of us went to Macau to try our luck in gambling. Hahaha one of my favorite vacation. Some of us end up out of money, some of us end up in love and some of us end up with really good bags and shoes (Read : Shopping).
Another trip with them is when we were having so much pressure of the final exam. Right after the last subject was done, we decided to go to Maldives for 2 weeks and we were end up flashing our parents card up to the limit. We were grounded to not having our card back for 2 months. LOL. But who cares ? We had fun and our grade never been below three point four.

Are they acknowledge about your gay life ? Nope, they have no idea about me being gay. As I told you, no one know everything about me. Yes, they might know about my family life, where I grew up, what I like to do or don't like to do, what is my favorite number, what is my zodiac, where I live but about me being a gay ? They are sure have no idea.
The reason why I keep it secretly (Obviously you know that I am a gay, LOL) is I am not comfortable of it. Not that I am not proud of myself but people sometime just shit. I don't want to be judge and I am sure they wont do such thing like that but as long as I can, I will play the character smoothly 'till one day, one perfect day, I will tell them about who I really am.

Friends don't kiss and tell. But I will kiss and tell them that I have so bless to have them in my life.


  1. Ndro, this is me, unyil. i really miss you. you jerk! kemana aja coongggggg?
    i can not reach you. if you see this comment, reach me on my email ya.
